Displacement vs Time in Uniform Motion

 The slope of the line above represents the velocity (v = 1.08 m/s). What does the intercept represent? Answer in the comments section below.

Perfect Still Water Reflection


Elliott Lake, Holly, MI
Special thanks to my friend Judith who sent me this picture.

The Use of Simple Machines in Occupational Therapy

Physics-related Poster Presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, 
April 9, 2022

Arismar presenting her research




The blue and the green rays converge creating a beautiful aqua!

Physics Definition


  I am a physicist and I find this extremely funny. 
Why? Because it is so true!

Bring Your Device to Access Online Lab Manual


Even if not prompted by the instructor, Shayna always has her device to check all available resources, such as the Online Lab Manual or this Blog for hints.

Organize Your Lab Space


Spending some time on preparation pays off later.  Karina organized her lab space first so she did not waste time checking all the resistors later.  Kudos!

As many as you can...

Five 10-ohm resistors in parallel

Six various resistors in series