Showing posts with label Elongation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elongation. Show all posts

Hooke's Law: a comparison of the rubber band and a spring


Data Collection by Myriam & Lesley

We know that Hookean and non-Hookean materials behave differently when stretched.  I found it so interesting though to see it so clearly when comparing the two lines above.  You may notice the nicely paced data points that resemble the elongation of the spring (the blue line).  Compare it to the points close to the red regression line (by the way, Desmos is the best quick regression tool ever); those points resemble the rubber band data.  Notice those clusters of three points.  The inner structure of the rubber is breaking right in front of us.  It is like, stretch - stretch - stretch... and then break, and elongation.  And one more time the same thing.  And one more time, the same pattern.  Very cool.  
Thank you, Myriam and Lesley.