Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

The question that many people may find themselves asking is why bother taking the time to recycle.  In this article, we will discuss the true meaning of recycling such as the how’s, whys, where the recycling goes and lastly how does the term “recycling” correlate to physics.   Recycling is the means of gathering items that can be thrown away but used to create new goods.  It is an essential element in progressing the environment and saving natural resources.  Some of the ways to promote recycling are to recycle at schools and businesses by recycling items into a specific container, recycle empty ink cartridges and cash for cans are just a few to mention. 

Recycling would cut down on the volume of the remains that go to disposal sites and the remainder of landfills would last longer.  The question in mind here is “why bother to recycle”. For starters, glass is made from all natural resources which can be reused for new glass.  It can also replace about 95% of the raw materials that is required to create new glass.  For example, recycling just 10 glass containers can save an adequate amount of energy to have a tv run for 2 hours.  For every 165 gallons of gas and the vitality to control a typical household is comparable to a ton of recycled paper; one ton also saves about 17 trees.  Also, according to the EPA, recycling paper causes 35% less water pollution and 74% less air pollution than making paper from raw materials.  Overall everyone can make a difference, let's use the 3 R’s- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 